
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A replica of the plane the intrepid Lady Mary Heath flew from Cape Town to London in 1928. No such thing as cabin service!

From the reviews:

"Lady Icarus: the Life of Irish Aviator Lady Mary Heath Lindie Naughton (Ashfield, €25). An outstanding, gracefully written, superbly designed book about a heavens-exploring, hell-raising Limerick gal, born Sophie Peirce Evans, who was a world record holding athlete before she defied gravity and conventions by her daring aviational adventures.

Lindie Naughton's painstaking research and fluent style has produced an enthralling book which will help you soar on wings above the post-turkey stodginess and help fill in some glaring gaps in our social and sporting history to boot."

Decland McCormack, Irish Independent, Sports Books of the Year 2004

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