
Friday, July 12, 2013

Lady Heath's Avro - the dates

Avro 594 Avian III Construction number (c/n) R.3/AV/412
29.10.27 Registered G-EBUG, Certificate of Registration No.1510 to Lady Heath,
Manchester, 85hp A.D.C. Cirrus II engine
10.27 First flight at Hamble, pilot Bert Hinkler
17.11.27 Certificate of Airworthiness No.1245 to Lady Mary Heath (formerly Mrs.
18.11.27 Shipped to South Africa, arrived in Cape Town 6.12.27
5.1.28 Cape Town-Port Elizabeth, to East London on 9th
28.1.28 24 mile race, Baragwanath, 1st
25.2.28 Pretoria-Bulawayo, delayed at Bulawayo by sun-stroke
28.2.28 Bulawayo-Livingstone, continued to Broken Hill next day
4.3.28 Broken Hill-N´dola, to Abercorn next day
7.3.28 Abercorn-Tabora, to Mwanza next day
14.3.28 Mwanza-Nairobi
22.3.28 Nairobi-Jinja via Kisumu
28.3.28 Junja-Mongalla
30.3.28 Mongalla-Kosti via Malakal, to Khartoum next day
2.4.28 Khartoum-Atbara, to Wadi Halfa next day, escorted by 47 Sqn Fairey IIIF, Sgt Baker
4.4.28 Wadi Halfa-Cairo
15.4.28 Cairo-Sollum
16.4.28 Damaged rear fuselage while taxying for take-off at Sollum, left
on 23rd for Benghazi
24.4.28 Bengazi-Serti via Aghaila, to Tripoli next day, delayed in Tripoli by fever
5.5.28 Tripoli-Tunis via Sfax, to Naples via Catania next day
7.5.28 Naples-Rome
14.5.28 Rome-Marseilles, to Dijon next day, to Paris on the 16th
17.5.28 Arrived at Croydon via Lympne after 5,132 miles in 72 flying hours
6.28 Overhauled by makers, fitted with new engine, s//n 423/2
c24.6.28 Flown by Amelia Earhart (AE) at Croydon, bought by her on condition
that Lady Heath might buy it back when she arrived in USA

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