Along the way, she dived down on the houses of the various district commissioners 'with whom I had made friends the previous year when I was studying the route on the ground".
In Mongalla, she was greeted by an officer of the Sudan Defence Force on a push bike along with "hordes of natives" bearing buckets of water. "They are so used to water-cooled engines that the arrival of an aeroplane is synonymous to them with water".
All Lady Heath wanted were stones and sand to fill the sandbags she used to weigh down her airplane and save it from any winds that might blow up. "My sandbags even in a wind of 40 to 45mph always held."

She then took off for Malakal - "the worst part of the trip over completely wild desert populated mainly by honey-badgers, ants, hornets and hostile natives".
Malakal, South Sudan, lies along the right bank of the White Nile River and is 430 miles (690 km) south of Khartoum.
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