
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Cape Town to Goodwood Day 32: 15 days to go?

According to, Tracey and the "Spirit of Artemis" are due to arrive back in England  in 15 days time - that's Wednesday December 18. So far they have flown 5,387 nautical mile and spent 68.3 hours in the air. 
Whether they make this target will depend a lot on the next week -  after Egypt come Libya and Tunisia.
This is how Mary Heath did it: 

4.4.1928 Wadi Halfa-Cairo
15.4.1928 Cairo-Sollum
16.4.1928 Damaged rear fuselage while taxiing for take-off at Sollum, left

 April 23 for Benghazi
24.4.1928 Bengazi-Serti via Aghaila, to Tripoli next day, delayed in Tripoli by fever
5.5.1928 Tripoli-Tunis via Sfax, to Naples via Catania next day
7.5.1928 Naples-Rome
14.5.1928 Rome-Marseilles, to Dijon next day, to Paris on the 16th
17.5.1928 Arrived at Croydon via Lympne after 5,132 miles in 72 flying hours

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