
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cape Town to Goodwood Day 44: Safely in Crete

Spirit of Artemis made it safely back to Crete and European land yesterday - a deviation from the route taken by Mary Heath.
Not sure what's happening now - Greece and then maybe across to Italy to resume Mary Heath's route? She flew from Catania to Naples and then on to Rome in two days. After  spending a week in Rome to convalesce from the rheumatic fever she had picked up in north Africa,  she headed for Marseilles, Dijon, and Paris in France. Finally came the hop across the Channel and back to London after a brief stop for a warming cup of tea in Lympne. She flew on six of the 11 days it took her to get from Tunis to Croydon.
*Vid is from Capetown, when the Stearmam was taxiing off  to begin its long adventure.

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